Every autumn, our weekend festival unfolds over three days in St. Ann’s and surrounding communities, a rural region of Unama’ki (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia. The island is part of Mi’kma’ki, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq, and its culture is also shaped by the subsequent arrival of Acadian and Gaelic settlers and every newcomer since.
The land around us is an inspiration for our festival, as it is a character in all our stories. This is an island of readers, a place where storytelling is no more confined to the page than fiddling is confined to the stage, and it is an island of writers (including renowned authors like Rita Joe, Alistair MacLeod, Linden MacIntyre, Hugh MacLennan, Alexander MacLeod, Lynn Coady, Kate Beaton, and so many more).
Our festival aims to create a home for all these readers and writers and anyone else who cares to join us, connecting and building community between us all, at a lively, inspiring, warm and welcoming celebration of the incredible richness of all our many stories and the transformative power of reading and of words.